So here we are entering a brand new year. Yay! We made it this many days this far!
I went in and adjusted my carefully crafted message from last New Year's Day and I'm putting it out there again. My objectives for excellence have not changed.

So now I'm looking at you, 2024. You're all shiny and new; I am complete with my banged up shins and purple bruises as it shows I've been doing the work. And I'll continue to do what I need to do to move the compass, but you have to come through on your end.
There is time for ease. There is time for more joy.
There is time for more alliances and growth. There is room for me and where I am headed. There is time for like-minded people to come in so we can create the beautiful things that the world craves. There is time for some play to happen.
There is time for continued health and well being.
The time is now. I am ready.